
Get your Webhook from Dot Com Conversations

Now, you need to go back to Dot Com Conversations, and then select the WhatsApp cloud, click “Connect WhatsApp Cloud”

After you click the button, it will pop up the window for you to authorize your Facebook account, and then select the business account you want to connect to.

You can connect one business account under one workspace. Multiple numbers can be connected to the same business account.

After you select your business account, you will be redirected back to UChat. And then after you click the “list businesses with WhatsApp phone numbers”

It will list all the WhatsApp numbers in this business account. You can click the “Select” button to the next step.

Then you will see your unique Webhook URL and token to use in the next step.

Now you can go back to the app in your Facebook developer account, and then click “Edit” in the configuration as per the screenshot below:

In the pop-up window, paste your webhook URL and token from Dot Com Conversations.

And then click “verify & save”.

After you add the webhook URL, now you need to click the “manage” under the Webhook field.

You need to subscribe to the “messages” as per the screenshot below:

Now, you can go to Dot Com Conversations, and sync numbers & pick a number to create your WhatsApp chatbot.

Please note, that every app will be offered a test number for free from Facebook. You can easily start testing with this test number.