
How to use Template message

  • Use in the flow builder

Template messages offer more features, like the buttons(which can link to external URLs) & phone call buttons.

You can send the template message right in the flow builder. It’s free to send if it’s within a 24-hour engagement window.

In the send message mode, select “Message template”, and if you have a variable in the template message, you can select the custom field in the Dot Com Conversations.

  • Use in the broadcast

You can also use template messages in the broadcast of Dot Com Conversations.

Let’s first build out the flow you want to send the broadcast. You can use a simple conditional check to decide if you want to use a template message or not.

In the sample flow above, we first use conditions to check if the user is still within the 24-hour window, if they are, then you can reach out to them for free.

And then you can also select to send them an email if you have their email address.

At last, you can select to send a template to the user.

After you set up the flow to use in the broadcast, you can now go to the broadcast and select the audience you want, and then send the flow you just built.

  • Use in the live Chat

In the live chat, if the user is out of the 24-hour window, you can only reach them through the template message.

If you go to the live chat window, you will see the option of “I want to send template message”

Please note that the template will be sent only if it’s the first message in the subflow.

Then you can pick up the subflow that starts with the template message.