
Switch the flow from the Testing phone number to your business phone number

In this step, you will be able to switch the chatbot flow you build with the testing number to your own business number you just added.

In this step, you can first unlink the bot from your testing number.

When you click the unlink icon, type “UNLINK” in the screenshot below:

After you click the “YES, Unlink” button, you should be able to delete this testing number by clicking the “x” in the screenshot below:

After you delete the testing phone number, don’t worry about the flow you already built, they are not deleted.

You can still find the flow if you go to “All bots”, We will link this flow back to the real business phone number you just added to your app.

Sync the real business number into the WhatsApp cloud

Now you can do the same process as previously to sync the test number into Dot Com Conversations, instead of choosing the test number, you will choose the real business phone number this time to add into Dot Com Conversations.

After you select and confirm the phone number, you can click the “LINK” icon to link your previous flow back to this real business Whatsapp number.

And then select the flow you previously build with the test WhatsApp number as per the screenshot below:

And then you can type “LINK” to link the flow with the new number.

Then you can have the existing flow connected to your real business number.

Now you have successfully switched your WhatsApp chatbot from a testing phone number to your real phone number.